Finished 6th OA and 2nd AG. Very limited field. Half Ironman fitness really paid off
Motus (off road) – Aug 2nd C 1000 meters – 15.0 Miles – 6 Miles
Weather: partially cloudy upper 60s to mid-70s
Race Recap: I signed up to do Capital Hill in May, but was cancelled due to Covid-19 and was replaced with Green River State Park. Camped at state park the night before (crappy idea) Rained on Saturday. Pre road the MTB course and fell once. Goal heading into event was around 3 hours, after pre-riding tempered expectations to 3:30. Normal breakfast routine. Set up transition with my MTB and trail running shoes. 2 bottles of infinit in camelback, GU gels and 2 bottles of TripWire. Amp Human 1 hour before.
SWIM: Water temp was low 80s, so wore Swimskin. Start of swim was in a cove then we turned right to go up and back once. Big time chop once we turned right. Got punched and kicked by same guy. He couldn’t sight to save his life. I put in a hard effort to get in front and that was that. I dealt with the choppy water well. Didn’t really swallow any water. Made turn and that was that. Overall I feel swim went really well. No timing mats, but Garmin had me for a 18:55 for like a 1:50 avg or so.
T1 – Nothing crazy, long way from swim exit. Time was 2:36
BIKE: goal was not to fall and follow Drew if possible, to see his lines. Somehow, I made it out of the water before him. Took him nearly 45 min to catch me and I stayed with him for most of 2nd lap until he dropped me. Didn’t fall and was happy with time 2:06:25
T2 – Caught Drew in transition. Time was 0:45
Run: Most of run was on grass/gravel. But there was a section of like 2 miles on trails. Though someone moved so flags I got lost early on and added 0.20 to my run. Did run into some people on horse back. Time was 51:03
Overall, I finished 6th and 2nd in AG for the Short Shred distance. Total time was 3:19:58. Happy with effort/pacing. Definitely didn’t drink enough on bike