An amalgamation of races during Covid-19
Our local Steel Valley Tri Club had a number of members scheduled to run the IM Chattanooga in 2020, but well, we don't need to elaborate on that. A number of others had events from Barrelman to Peasantman to some sprint none of us have ever heard of but still carries the full weight of a triathlon for those toeing the start line. So, as we all did this season, we adapted and created our own event to fill the gap.
We had any number of folks doing various distances and points of the legs, but myself and 2 others (including my main 2020 training partner that never did more than a sprint last year) completed a 70.3 mile day utilizing our State Park and our club to the fullest. 2 of our members after training all summer for IMC put their IM full into the "record book". A member's son printed off race day specific medals utilizing his learning of 3-D printing.
This summary does no justice to the day, the camaraderie, and the heart of athletes here in the NE Ohio triathlon community.